Many things have been said about the moon that rose over our heads tonight--why, and for how long, it would be blue. That last bit is a euphemism, of course. The phrase "blue moon" has no more to do with the color blue than Elvis had to do with Soloflex. These are not fish that swam in the same ocean.
A blue moon is the name for the event that takes when more than one full moon occurs within the span of a month. Some people believe this is an intense spiritual event; a portent of many wonderful things to come. Others think the blue moon is a happening that we might be fearful about. Yet others believe this is simply an example of the odds playing out.
The significance for us is that we might notice a physical difference in our bodies when there is a shift in the gravitational forces that the moon rules. Like any other time, it is valuable to trust our perception, believe our experience, and make notes about our conclusions.
Oh, it's worthwhile to do this every day--it's good practice, and it deepens our connection to our bodies. But it can be a challenge to notice our bodies on purpose, when there are so many things in our personal spheres that drown out the subtle cues we feel. Our work is to notice anyway. To turn the volume up, or down, in order to gather whatever information we need to empower ourselves with perception.
It makes all the difference.
There are many ways to fuel this, including meditation, yoga, massage, and exercise. Noticing our experience in our bodies is a powerful way to make our experience better.
Be good to yourself.
A blue moon is the name for the event that takes when more than one full moon occurs within the span of a month. Some people believe this is an intense spiritual event; a portent of many wonderful things to come. Others think the blue moon is a happening that we might be fearful about. Yet others believe this is simply an example of the odds playing out.
The significance for us is that we might notice a physical difference in our bodies when there is a shift in the gravitational forces that the moon rules. Like any other time, it is valuable to trust our perception, believe our experience, and make notes about our conclusions.
Oh, it's worthwhile to do this every day--it's good practice, and it deepens our connection to our bodies. But it can be a challenge to notice our bodies on purpose, when there are so many things in our personal spheres that drown out the subtle cues we feel. Our work is to notice anyway. To turn the volume up, or down, in order to gather whatever information we need to empower ourselves with perception.
It makes all the difference.
There are many ways to fuel this, including meditation, yoga, massage, and exercise. Noticing our experience in our bodies is a powerful way to make our experience better.
Be good to yourself.